
Mexico Must Visit: My Stay at Selina (San Miguel)

The Mexico Must Visit: My Stay at Selina (San Miguel) If you’re a seasoned Latin American traveler you are probably already familiar with the Selina hotel chain. But with over 100 worldwide locations to chose from how are you supposed to decide on which one to try out first. Well at this point I’m 6 […]

Free SEO Tools for Creative Founders

Free SEO tools for your creative founder toolkit Take the stress out of SEO with our quick list guide to the top free tools to get you ranking We get it, you didn’t start a creative business thinking you’d be deep in keyword search and ranking analysis. But, it’s time to stop letting SEO drop to […]

(Un)wellness and the REAL impact on our business and wellbeing

(Un)wellness and the REAL impact on our business and wellbeing. £70 candles, champagne bubble baths and #inspo quotes on Instagram – how are these fake wellness trends REALLY impacting your business? Let me start by getting one thing straight: wellness is a beautiful word and a deeply important concept. Afterall, it’s the practice (and state) […]

Is launch fatigue a thing (and how can we make it sashay away)?

Is launch fatigue a thing (and how can we make it sashay away)? “When you’re surrounded by endless blueprints and bundles on how to run the perfect launch, you can quickly feel like you’re doing it wrong when you don’t tick those pre-defined boxes. And heaven forbid if your mental health takes a nosedive off […]

Manifesting magic | A genuine business tool or a load of woo?

Manifesting magic | A genuine business tool or a load of woo? Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin “Because when I think of using manifestation in my business, it’s as if I’m stuck in a tug of war. One half of me screams “LIFE IS NOT THAT SIMPLE” while the other proclaims […]

It’s time to stop idolising hustle culture.

It’s time to stop idolising hustle culture. Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin “For many of us, a huge motivator for starting a business is so that, eventually, we can embrace a better work-life balance. We crave flexibility and control. Yet, somewhere along the way, we seem to lose that”” Words: Amber […]

It’s normal to feel abnormal (especially when you’re living through a pandemic).

It’s normal to feel abnormal (especially when you’re living through a pandemic). Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin “If this year has taught me anything, it’s that mental health is not a ‘them VS us’ situation. The 1 in 4 stat? I call boll*cks on it.” Words: Amber Badger  Illustration: Emmy Lupin […]

Reflect, rejoice, reset: why we should all celebrate our ‘wins’ of 2020

Reflect, rejoice, reset: why we should all celebrate our ‘wins’ of 2020. Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin “The issue with these success markers is that they set the bar so high that anything that falls beneath it can feel unworthy.” Words: Amber Badger  Illustration: Kate Foley 2020 is officially drawing to […]

Has 2020 changed our definition of success?

Has 2020 changed our definition of success? Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin “My relationship with the concept of “success” has been, historically, not a particullary health one” Words: Amber Badger  My relationship with the concept of ‘success’ has been, historically, not a particularly healthy one. Success has always been one of […]

Guilt vs Glamour: the reality of being a small business owner.

Glamour VS Guilt: the reality of being a small business owner. Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin “No, it isn’t because us business owners are cookie cutter cliches. It’s because we’re really friggin’ bad at putting our own needs first” Words: Amber Badger  Illustration: Tarn Ellis Iced lattes strolling along the coast […]