
S1. E.3 : Sara - Well & Truly

Transforming the snack industy in a naughty-ish way

About Well & Truly

Snacking. Here at the Create Co. office we are not in the slightest bit sorry to say it’s our favourite hobby/habit/lifestyle choice. Snacks for life.


There is nothing better than grazing all day. But, usually the options on offer are pretty unhealthy, or not really that appealing if they are.


Well, let’s all hail Sara and Maria as they have changed all of this. They too would grab a bag of crisps on a Sunday evening and find themselves working their way through the packet before even realising. Gaining that satisfying comfort from enjoying a snack you know and love, followed by the ever so slight guilt that it’s not really doing your body any good. They realised there must be another option. Why should you have to change the way you snack completely and miss out of that comforting feeling, when you could surely just make the current choices a little healthier.


You guessed it, Well & Truly was born. Sara and her now sister-in-law, Maria, got to work on evolving the humble crisp. Create something delicious that wasn’t as naughty, but, well, “naughtyish”.


Fast forward to today and you will find packets of Well & Truly crisps in leading retailers across the UK, and beyond. Of course, designing, developing, and bringing a product to market is not in the slightest bit the easy task. In this episode, Sara takes us behind the scenes of what it was really like to get to where they are now. Letting us on on the massive amount they both had to learn, and still do, and the lessons they learnt along the way.


We would like to say a massive thank you to Sara from joining us at the London studio (Maria, we will meet you next time!) and a bigger thank you for allowing the snacks to continue to flow in the office, without the guilt!

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